The Femme Cast

How to Take Your Power Back & Create the Best Possible Outcomes (Moving Through the Storm, Part 5)

Maria @TheFemmeCast

We’ve made it to the final episode of our 5-part series here on The Femme Cast, called Moving Through the Storms, Upheavals and Massive Change, where I’m sharing the exact spiritual tools I use to navigate uncertainty, fear, and life’s biggest challenges with grace and personal power. Divorce, heartbreak, loss of a home, loss of a job, living on overdraft for what felt like an eternity. These were the tools that helped me through all of it.  

If you’re feeling overwhelmed—whether in your personal life, relationships, or just with everything happening in the world—this series is for you.

In this final episode, we’re talking about how to take your power back—because even in times of uncertainty, you have more control than you think. The way you focus your energy, the stories you tell yourself, and the perspective you choose will shape your reality. I’ll walk you through my process for reclaiming your power, focusing on the best possible outcomes (instead of worst-case scenarios), and actively creating a future that works for you. If you’re ready to step out of fear and into confidence, this is the perfect episode to wrap up this series.

Let’s do this.

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Hey you guys, what is up and welcome back to the show. Today is part five of Moving Through the Storm, a five-part mini-series on how to navigate or how I navigate difficult emotions, uncertainty and change in life and in love. I'm so excited to share this series with you Again. I cannot tell you how many times I have pulled on and used these practices again and again in my life, and I have literally been using them a lot lately. This is one of the easier and the more fun practices, and I do like to do this. You know, if I do this in order, this is always the last one that I love to do, because I feel like the first few kind of set the stage for this one to be able to fully express itself and allow it to be present. Sometimes, starting with this one can be a challenge. It almost needs to come last, if that makes sense, and you'll understand why when we talk about it. So this series is all about helping you when life gets overwhelming, whether it's a personal struggle, relationship challenge or just the chaos in the world around you. You guys, there's so much chaos in the world right now and it's so easy to get stuck in the fear and the doubt. But with this five part series, I share my exact process for how I move through it, how I move through uncertainty with trust, with grace, with my personal power intact. We've covered everything from the emotional energetics. We've covered the surrender practice, mindset techniques or shifts that you can make, how to come back to faith. And then today we're going to talk about how you can gain more control over the narrative of what the outcome is right. So we're going to talk about how to take your power back to create the best possible outcome for yourself and for everyone else involved.


This is going to require a little bit of imagination on your part. It's going to require a little bit of let's wait and see kind of energy. Not wait and see energy, but possibilities. Right, let's start believing in possibilities again. You know and this is really the fun and uplifting one, especially if you're moving through something challenging and you do need to uplift your perspective this one's always really good to use and I do like to use it after and I'm yawning again, you guys there's a lot of shifting happening. I do like to use this after the prayer that we covered in day four, because I feel like we're just more open after the prayer.


So if you did the prayer, you know, one day maybe come back and do this the next day and see what comes up, right, who knows how much spirit will help open you up after you've said the prayer, for you know where your mindset struggling, what mindset you're struggling with, specifically, what you're fearing or what you're feeling that you can't, you feel like you can't overcome on your own. Once you say that prayer and you kind of ask for that help and you it's. You know people don't get this. There's something more powerful. There's something so powerful to prayer because our spiritual team is always here to support us. Right, and I want you to think about this for a second. Our spiritual team is always here to support us. Again, whatever name you give that spiritual team doesn't matter. The important thing is that they're always there and they always want to help move us towards our highest good. They always want to be there to guide us, support us, give us what we need. But we have to ask that's what prayer is? It's asking for the help, it's giving permission for their intervention. It's your energetic? Okay to say I'm willing to let you in on this to help me with it. Right, we have to give that permission, otherwise they just think we want to do it all on our own. They're like right here, we want to help you. You got to give us an invitation, right, they need your permission to be able to help you. I know we're getting very esoteric right now, but I fully believe this and I believe that's what prayer is. It's our energetic permission to say hey, I would love your help with this. Here's what I'm struggling with. Can you help me, um? So if you mentioned, if you did the prayer um the previous day, then this is a great practice to follow up, because now you can have some fun with maybe some of the shifts that might've been um enabled after you made that prayer. It's very simple, it's very quick.


Today's audio is going to be very, very, very short, but first I want you to get a piece of paper or notebook, or you can use your phone, but I love to use paper because for me it's very therapeutic to write everything down on paper. So I want you to write down all the worst case scenarios, get them out, write them on paper. Worst possible outcomes, anything you can think of, get it down, and then I want you to count how many you have. So let's say, for example, we have 10 worst case scenarios. Okay, fine, now you're going to write 10, at least, if not more, best case scenarios, and actually I would encourage you to just keep writing until you can't think of best case scenarios. And actually I would encourage you to just keep writing until you can't think of best case scenarios anymore.


Because the reality is, for every situation that we go through and for every situation that we can think of that can be catastrophic, in the end can actually work out. Excuse me, oh my gosh. Yawning and burping and hiccups and everything's coming, wow. For everything that we can think of that is catastrophic, on the other side can also work out to be life's greatest miracle, and there's a hundred ways that that can happen. But we have to be open to the possibility. So what I want you to do is I want you to you know, after you've made that laundry list of all the worst case scenarios is I want you to dump all the best case scenarios? What are the best ways all of this can work out? And then how can you tell yourself that and this is my take on this, and this is my take on this Isn't it possible? It could be possible. It could happen.


I don't want you to believe that it'll happen because I don't believe that we can make our. I don't. I believe there's too much evidence around for us to just start to believe that things are going to work out the way we want them to. Like I don't know. I have a huge problem with that. I do think that sometimes I think what's it called? I do believe that we should always adopt the perspective of this will work out for the highest and greatest good of all. That I do believe.


I don't think that circumstances always work out the way that we want them to. Sometimes I think spirit knows best. Sometimes our ego gets in the way and and tells us we want certain outcomes, when reality we want something totally different. Like I can think of so many times where I tried to manifest something and I kicked and screamed and fought for that manifest. Like I did my intentions, I did my vision boards, I did my affirmations, I did it all and in the end something else manifested. I was like, fuck, this is so much better. I'm so glad that thing that I was trying to manifest never happened. Right, because we have to leave room for the universe to surprise us.


So the point of this exercise is not to manifest the result that you want. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. The point of this exercise is to get you into the vibration that this could work out amazing, even if I can't see how. So you're going to drain, dump all the ways that this could work out in the best possible way you can imagine and that it's just as likely for it to work out in those ways as it is for it to compete. A complete disaster and catastrophe. Just give equal space at the table for both of those possibilities the catastrophe and the miraculous outcome.


I want you to give a seat at the table to both of those at the same time, and I just want you to say, yeah, okay, you know I'm afraid of this and I'm afraid of that, and okay, fine, but this is possible, isn't it? And then I want you to think of all the ways it's possible. And this other thing is possible, isn't it Like? Imagine that could be possible, that can happen, right, and I just want you to play in the realm of possibilities for a little while, even if you're just telling yourself it's just possible, right, because now you've opened yourself up to the energetic possibility of things working out better than you expected. And that's just the important. That's the only shift I want you to make. The only shift I want you to make in this exercise is that things can work out way better than I ever expected.


And then what I want you to affirm with this is tell yourself that this is working out so much better than anything I could have ever imagined. So like, take all of these, and what if it could be even better than anything that I can comprehend or imagine or think of right now? Because it's just out of my what's it called my energetic perspective right now. Right, because you have to be in a certain energetic field to see solutions, to see outcomes. Right, and if you're just not there and you just can't see it, that's okay, because you're open to the idea that this could work out so much better than anything you could have thought was possible. And I remember there were so many times I just kept affirming this over and over again this is working out so much better than anything I could have thought was possible. This has all worked out so much better than anything I could have thought was possible. I am so grateful, like this was so much more than anything I could have ever imagined. And I just keep you know, cause sometimes we do have that fear that, because we can't see it, then it's not possible, right? Can we believe in something unseen that we can't even fathom with our imagination? Right? And then this is really fun and this kind of puts a nice little bow on it. I want you to imagine yourself on the other side of whatever situation that you're dealing with right now and I want you to imagine telling someone that you love.


I used to always imagine telling my mom mom, I can't believe, like I would imagine having a conversation with my mom Um, after the fact, you know, after I had gone through like you know losing my place and you know losing my savings and you know not having any income coming in that I would have this conversation with her like mom, like I can't believe, like everything worked out so much better than I ever could have imagined and I never would have expected everything to work out the way it did. Like I'm just so happy, I feel so blessed and I feel so grateful and I did have that conversation with her, and it was probably maybe a year and a half later of me holding that intention, that affirmation that things had for, and I was in my new place and it was beautiful. It wasn't identical to what I imagined, but it was. It was pretty similar, like it had similar, like the what's it called, the greenery outdoor, the finishes that I like, like everything was kind of there.


And I can remember being on the phone with her and saying mom, like I can't believe, a year and a half ago, where I was to, where I am right now, like it's just such a miracle. And I know I knew in my heart like I am right now, like it's just such a miracle. And I know, um, I knew in my heart like I, I didn't do it alone. You know, um, I had help. I had a lot of help from my from God, from my angels, from my spirit team, and these are the tools that I use to access that support. So, um, I hope you'll have fun with today's practice.


I know I have fun with this one. This is the one that I I kind of love to do when I just need to pick me up, sometimes, to be honest, like I'm not, sometimes I'm not even moving through anything, I just need to pick me up. This is what I turn to, because it does lift me up so much every time I do this. So that is it. That is all five of them. I am so happy and grateful for you for letting me share these with you. I hope you get as much joy and blessings and peace and healing from these as I do when I do them.


Hit me up at TheFemCast on Instagram, or Maria at TheFemCoachcom, if you want to email me. Let me know which one of these really, you know, really spoke to you. Did you try them? What was your experience? How did it feel? Is there something else that you're doing to move through challenging times? Are you going through challenging times right now and, if so, what's that all about? Let me know. So, as always, if you love this episode, please, please, please, leave a positive rating and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're seeing this. Help this get to the ears of the peoples, because that's what's going to help get it there. So that's all you guys. Until next time. Massive love.