The Femme Cast


October 10, 2023 Maria @TheFemmeCast
The Femme Cast
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The Femme Cast
Oct 10, 2023
Maria @TheFemmeCast

Ever struggle with a never ending stream of toxic relationships? Ever ask yourself why on earth can’t you ever seem to attract a healthy, loving relationship?

Well…so did I. For decades actually. That’s why in this episode of TheFemmeCast, I am sharing all about my seven year relationship hiatus, and everything it taught me about breaking my never ending cycle of toxic relationships and cultivating healthier, more loving relationships. 

In this candid discussion, I'm peeling back the layers of my own experiences, shining a light on the toxic relationship patterns that once held me back. It's a raw and honest account of the lessons I've learned and the wisdom I've gained from those challenging times. 

I'm also exploring the prerequisites for establishing genuine and meaningful connections in the world of relationships. Whether you're single and searching, currently in a relationship, or simply curious about the intricacies of love, this episode offers valuable insights and perspectives.

Tune in for an episode that combines introspection, growth, and a touch of vulnerability as we navigate the journey toward healing and embracing authentic love. It's a must-listen if you're looking to better understand your own relationship patterns and desires for a more meaningful relationship, all while mastering the art of radical self love and acceptance. So that you too can start living your best hot mess life today.

Also, click here to check out the article I wrote at the start of my 7 relationship hiatus: 10 Prerequisites To Attracting Real, Meaningful Relationships.

Let’s do this!

Are you ready to create a massive uplevel in your life and relationships? If so, use the link below to book your 90-minute Uplevel + Flow Intensive. This is a powerful 90-minute session where we go deep to energetically shift one relationship pattern you are ready to break free from, so you can magnetize more loving and supportive relationships without the chase...just flow!

Are you ready to begin your heart healing journey today and manifest the love that you desire?
If so, use the link below to register for my Uplevel + Flow Meditation Series . A 3 part series designed to help you heal from heartbreak and manifest love you've always wanted, but never thought you would find.

Are you ready to rewrite your love story + glow from the inside out as you become a magnet for the love you've always known you deserved?
If so, use the link below to register for my 21 Day Radical Self-Love Challenge.

Want more daily inspiration an tips on how you can uplevel your relationships and your life through the art of radical self-love?
If so, use the link below to con...

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever struggle with a never ending stream of toxic relationships? Ever ask yourself why on earth can’t you ever seem to attract a healthy, loving relationship?

Well…so did I. For decades actually. That’s why in this episode of TheFemmeCast, I am sharing all about my seven year relationship hiatus, and everything it taught me about breaking my never ending cycle of toxic relationships and cultivating healthier, more loving relationships. 

In this candid discussion, I'm peeling back the layers of my own experiences, shining a light on the toxic relationship patterns that once held me back. It's a raw and honest account of the lessons I've learned and the wisdom I've gained from those challenging times. 

I'm also exploring the prerequisites for establishing genuine and meaningful connections in the world of relationships. Whether you're single and searching, currently in a relationship, or simply curious about the intricacies of love, this episode offers valuable insights and perspectives.

Tune in for an episode that combines introspection, growth, and a touch of vulnerability as we navigate the journey toward healing and embracing authentic love. It's a must-listen if you're looking to better understand your own relationship patterns and desires for a more meaningful relationship, all while mastering the art of radical self love and acceptance. So that you too can start living your best hot mess life today.

Also, click here to check out the article I wrote at the start of my 7 relationship hiatus: 10 Prerequisites To Attracting Real, Meaningful Relationships.

Let’s do this!

Are you ready to create a massive uplevel in your life and relationships? If so, use the link below to book your 90-minute Uplevel + Flow Intensive. This is a powerful 90-minute session where we go deep to energetically shift one relationship pattern you are ready to break free from, so you can magnetize more loving and supportive relationships without the chase...just flow!

Are you ready to begin your heart healing journey today and manifest the love that you desire?
If so, use the link below to register for my Uplevel + Flow Meditation Series . A 3 part series designed to help you heal from heartbreak and manifest love you've always wanted, but never thought you would find.

Are you ready to rewrite your love story + glow from the inside out as you become a magnet for the love you've always known you deserved?
If so, use the link below to register for my 21 Day Radical Self-Love Challenge.

Want more daily inspiration an tips on how you can uplevel your relationships and your life through the art of radical self-love?
If so, use the link below to con...


Hey you guys, what is up and welcome back to the show. I'm so excited and grateful to have you here. We just wrapped up the douchebag diaries and, honestly, I have never had more fun putting content out there, because, for the first time, I feel like I'm actually telling a real part of my story, like a life-changing and transformational part of my story, and it just feels so good to do because not for anything, but for all the douchebags that I've jaded, it's nice to know that there was meaning to all of that, and that really has been one of the lessons in all of this. For me, right Is in recognizing that each one of them served a really powerful purpose, not only to help me learn and heal and grow and transform into the person who I know could be a match for the relationship that I would want, but also in being able to take that experience and turn it into some sort of a learning tool or practice, which is what we're doing here. So thank you for being here as I share and air all my dirty laundry. How to blast doing it. Thank you, guys.


Today we're gonna talk about the seven year relationship hiatus that kind of followed my dive into well, not my dive into the douchebags, but the period that came after the content, the inspiration for the douchebag diaries came into my life, right. So, after having kind of stepped away and had that pivotal moment where it was like that's it no more, I've had it. We're moving on, we're making a change. That was seven years ago and it literally feels like lifetimes ago, and then, in another respects, it feels like it was one week ago, like it's so crazy to me that seven years have gone by and those were some of the most challenging years of my life. Like, I'm not even gonna kid you guys. And it's so funny because I recently came across, or remembered, an article that I had written that was published in Mind Body Green, and it was published back in 2016,. I believe it was on Valentine's Day and so this would have been around the time of the beginning of the seven year relationship hiatus. Okay, so February 14th 2016, I publish an article in Mind Body Green and I'm gonna link it below called the 10 Prerequisites to Attracting Real and Meaningful Relationships. Okay, and in it I put some very like clear strategies on how to do that.


And I spent I kid you not, I spent the next seven years trying to live by those strategies and tips and fucking it up a thousand times again and again and again, not because the strategies weren't, you know, sound and true strategies, but because I kept fucking it up and I kept getting in my own way, I kept veering, I kept, you know, going back to old ways of doing things, not going back like I really wasn't in relationship at that time. There were a few opportunities that almost came into be and I was just like, hmm, I am gonna pass on that, thanks, but no thanks, you know, because I knew that I wasn't ready and I knew that there was still a lot of stuff coming up for me and it was really hard to. So it wasn't like I was going back to old ways, but the old feelings, the old wounding, the old stories, the old fears, that's what took a long time for me and that's what I really had to gain mastery over, and that's what I've really spent the last seven years doing is really mastering. You know how to really embody these beliefs, right, and it's taken, like I said, it's taken a really long time and it took me a really long time to feel safe, to actually get out there and start being in relationship again. Right, because I was always afraid that I was gonna start attracting the same partners I was attracting before. So it took time, but it doesn't have to. Okay, it really doesn't.


And I've actually, you know, when I think back to the last seven years, oh gosh, there's so many like, there's so many moments in there where I just felt like, fuck it, you know, I'm just gonna go out, I'm just gonna go out, I'm gonna start dating somebody and everything will be fine and that'll be the end of that. And you know, I would always. I would see things where it was like mm. I've seen this before. I've dated you before. I know you. Ha ha ha, different name, different face, but I know you. I've totally dated you before a thousand times. You know what I mean.


And so there were so many times where I was like, fuck, like am I just? Are my standards just too high? You know, am I just asking for the impossible? Like is it? You know, because I see other relationships like that out there, so is it just maybe that they're just not for me? Like, am I not supposed? Like, am I not supposed to be reaching for the stars here? Not even the stars, I wasn't reaching for the clouds, I was reaching for the top of an oak tree, young one at that, you know what I mean. Like it wasn't, like I was putting anything ridiculous out there, I just wanted a loving and meaningful relationship and for some reason it was so elusive to me. And so, you know, yeah, I went through like okay, do I settle? You know, am I asking for too much? Are these things not available to me? Do I just say, you know, do I just say fuck it and just like, get into a relationship with the next guy that comes along? What if it never happens? Oh, those were the scariest moments, I think. What if it never happens for me?


And I think sometimes we need to make peace with the possibility that it might not Cause I, you know, I don't I. This is such a loaded question, you know. Like I do think that there's somebody for everyone out there, but that doesn't mean that everybody needs to be in a relationship. You know there's some people that actually choose to be on their own and are quite happy doing so. Or, you know, having different sort of relationship parameters in a more traditional relationship. You know what I mean.


There's so many ways that life can look, and I think we need to kind of, you know, step out of our comfort zone when it comes to defining what really, what it is that we really want in life. But I do believe that, you know wholeheartedly, I believe that there's someone for everyone. I believe there's more than someone, I believe there's many persons for everyone. It's a big beautiful world, you guys, and I think we forget that because I think our conditioning and our past experiences remind us of, you know, what we've seen and what we've experienced, and sometimes that's all we can believe is what we've known right or what feels familiar. And so, really, the challenge is really kind of stepping outside of that and really recognizing what is possible for you and really preparing yourself to allow that to come in right.


And I think that really is where a lot of the work is and where a lot of the challenges certainly was for me, I think, and you know I spent seven years moving through all the pain and all the fear and all the beliefs that kind of kept me from believing that that was possible. And so much crying, I mean like ugly crying, okay, and not because I was missing anyone or because I was heartbroken, but because I was just I don't know if it was. I don't know if you call it angry, I think it was. I think, yeah, I think angry was the best way to put it. I was just so angry that you know why not me. You know why not me. And then I really started to ask myself well, why not me? You know what are the reasons, are there any? And you know, as I started to kind of, I did a lot of reflection work.


You guys, I have filled more journals than I care to count. And when I realized, and I started to feel bad for the number of journals, I started to do it electronically. But I just can't journal electronically. I need it to be in paper. So I tried to make environmentally conscious choices around that. That is literally the only paper I keep around me, is my journal. Everything else is electronic, I promise you.


But there's something about putting pen to paper that I find very healing and very soothing for me. I don't buy books, I don't do any of that, but having a journal that I journal in day after day after day, is something that it's actually therapy for me, like it actually feels therapeutic to put pen to paper and put my feelings down and write them out and really do some really deep reflection work. It's been one of my most powerful modalities for healing and transformation, to be quite honest, but nonetheless, I've done lots of healing, lots of journaling, lots of reflection, lots of crying, lots of oh God, oh God, why God, why me? Yeah, and it's really funny when I look back and I see some of the parallels in a lot of my relationships and some of the ways they were also similar and also the ways that they were also very different. And what I started to notice when I looked back on all of them is that each one of them had horrible, horrible characteristics to them that I just could not believe I settled for at the time. But they also had some great, really redeeming qualities that I loved in them. And I think that you know you always say that you know if I could take little bits and pieces from my exes, I would create the perfect man. And honestly, that's what I started.


I started to use all my relationships in that way. Is it's kind of like teaching moments, right? What do I like, what do I don't like? Because that's really what they're teaching you at the end of the day they're teaching you what you want, what you don't want and what it is that you need to heal and evolve within yourself. Right, and you look at your triggers for that. Your triggers are your best indicator In your relationships of what it is that you need to heal.


If something is triggering you, it's not necessarily because you need to walk away. It's something that you need to look at right. There's a difference. There's a difference between Feelings and I know I posted something about this the other day. You know, something not feeling right is enough of a reason to walk away. And when I say not feeling right, I mean, oh, this just doesn't, this relationship just doesn't feel good anymore. Even on the good days, I feel like, oh, I just don't, I just don't feel like I can be here anymore. I feel like I need to be somewhere else. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's just something's not feeling right, you know, and it's. I think it's time to just move beyond this point, right, there's that. And then there's oh, we're so happy, oh, I love him, oh, he's the greatest, oh, my god, I can't believe you did that. That's it. It's over, you know, and it's like it hit.


They'll do something that hurts you, to that visceral Response where it feels really uncomfortable and you get really offended and your pride and your ego and everything are wounded and you can't get beyond. How could they have done that to me, how could they have said that to me? And we just want them to to acknowledge what they've done, what they've said and how it's made us feel. We want them to apologize, and usually when those big triggers happen where we can feel the emotion welling up in our in our throat, that's usually something that we it's pointing back to me that we need to look at that to say that what they did wasn't hurtful or disrespectful.


Each situation will be different. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but the important thing to know is that it's pointing to a trigger and that is something that you need to look at again and again and until you look at it and move through it, it'll probably keep showing up in your relationships. You know, and that's really one of the one of the most powerful things that I learned you know, I think the worst advice I ever got For relationships like ever who gave this to me? The best way to get over a guy is to get it under another one Worst fucking advice I ever got worst, honestly, you need to spend some time apart from your relationships.


If you've been somebody who's been dating one person to the next, to the next to the next and constantly attracting the same person, I encourage you to take a break from dating and take a break from relationships. It doesn't have to be a seven-year hiatus, like mine was, but take a fucking time out, take a breath, Spend some time with yourself and really start to look at, okay, well, what are these patterns and experiences that I've been having and what could they be pointing to that I might need to, you know, either transform or heal, or, you know, what are they telling me about? What might what my perfect partner might be, and what are they telling me about what my worst partner might be, you know? And and sort of to piece all of that together, right, it's all a journey in discovery, self-discovery, believe it or not, right? And if we use it properly, it can actually help us create the relationships that we really want and desire. And I do believe that the relationships that we want and desire are always available to us, right, no matter what they are. Whether they're romantic relationships, work relationships, family friendships, doesn't matter. If you want those kinds of relationships, they're available to you. Whether or not they're gonna look the way you want them to look, that's a different story. They may look different, they may, you know, come to you in a different way, but that's okay, you know. But they are out there. Love is out there, my friends. It is everywhere, it is within you and it is outside of you and it is all around you, and it's all about how you Look at the relationships in your life and move through them. That allows you to actually experience and witness that love. Okay, so I want you to hold that your mind now here. So you know, initially, when I wrote the article for my body green, it was time for requisites are attracting really meaningful relationships.


I've kind over the last seven years, you know, I've basically I've summed it up to five core, fundamental mindset shifts that I needed to make in order for me to become a Match for the relationships that I did want and to no longer attract, attract the relationships that I that I didn't. And I found that moving through and and really embodying these beliefs and working on embodying them again and again and again and again Is what made that transformation for me and it was a little weird at first because I started to repel people and I thought, oh my god, am I doing something wrong? Oh my god, all the work that I've done, why am I pissing these people off? I wasn't busy in the month. I was actually repelling the wrong people and it took me a while to get that. I was like, oh, that's what's happening. And then I was becoming a match for the right ones. Not only that, I was Upleveling all my relationships around me up, loving up, leveling all areas of life, like everything benefited from doing this work. You know, it wasn't just my romantic relationships, although that took a huge up, so upturn as a result of Really and truly embodying these beliefs. Okay and sorry, I just totally tap my mic. I apologize for that. I'm not sure if you heard, if you heard that.


So the first one is I trust myself fully and completely. We have to understand that. You know, whether you call it your higher wisdom, your intuition, your guides, your angels, whatever, doesn't matter what you went name you give it, you're always being guided to the relationships that are truly meant for you, even if they're not meant to stay Okay, like they could be lessons, they could be teachers, they could be guides or they could be the one we don't know. The important thing is that we understand that. You know what, that higher wisdom, if we really tune in and tap into it and trust it, and trust it fully, that is going to guide us to the people, places and things that we need in order to evolve and become the person that we want to be, that we were meant to be. But we need to first really trust that higher wisdom and we also need to differentiate our higher wisdom from our fears and our limiting beliefs, because sometimes that can feel like intuition, but it's not. Or libido could tell us oh, this guy's totally for me and he's not. It's just your libido talking. Your libido lies. Do not listen to your libido, please, um, you know. So differentiating those can be kind of tricky and the only way to do that is to really surrender to your intuition and really learn to use it. And the more you trust it, the louder it gets, the easier it is to trust, you know, and I would say it's probably the quietest of all the voices, and that's why I think taking a timeout, taking a breath, things like meditation and journaling are so important tools, such important tools on this journey, because that's what's really going to allow you to really hear the wisdom Of that higher version of you that's coming through. Okay, that's the first one.


Second one is I am enough just as I am. There is nothing that I need to fix or change in order to be worthy of love. So many times we're out there trying to improve ourselves and make ourselves look better, feel better, do better, before we will get out there and be in a relationship. I can remember for the longest time I didn't want to go out there and attempt to date, until I lost weight, until I I don't know figured out my my, what I was doing with my career. I put everything on the back burner so I could work on my career and move forward.


And then you know, there's all these conditions that we put. I'm being ready for that relationship to come into our lives and we don't need all these conditions. We don't need to have the perfect body, the perfect wardrobe, the perfect hair, the perfect job, the perfect income, the perfect bank account, the perfect credit score. You don't need to have any of those things in order to be in a relationship. What you do need Is to trust that who you are is enough just as you are, and that you are worthy of love and that there is so much value.


Yeah, sure, there's things you want to work on, great, do it, but it doesn't define whether or not you're worthy, and that, I think, is the big distinction. Right, there are things that we can absolutely work on. I am all for personal development and making ourselves feel better, do better and be the highest, highest, highest version of ourselves, right, but that's not what. We don't need that in order to be worthy. We need that in order. We don't even need that really. They just you know what. They make life more fulfilling and more enjoyable to do. That's all. But we are worthy as we are. We don't need to do anything else, and I think that's the important distinction, right? And so if?


If a relationship is something that you want and you're ready for, yes, please take a break if you've been on the relationship roller coaster, but when you're ready, just get out there. You know you don't need to lose the weight by new wardrobe. Get your makeover done. Do all these things before you get out there and start dating. You are enough as you are and someone will, the person who is for you, will love you just the way you are and will not want to change a thing about you. Okay, next, this is the third I am holding my relationships to a higher standard. This is something that we are very uncomfortable doing. This was very uncomfortable for me, but you need to trust that you deserve better than what you've been settling for up until this point and that you're going to decide what you will and won't tolerate in your relationships going forward, and this means drawing a hard line.


What are the behaviors that you're going to accept into your life and what are the behaviors that you're no longer available for? I decided I was no longer available for the cheating. I was no longer available for the lying. I was no longer available for the ghosting, the, the, the, the benching and the. What was the other one, the bread crumbing. I wasn't available for any of that shit. I wasn't available for somebody who was going to try and turn me in something that I wasn't anymore.


I was available for somebody who was going to love me just as I am, for who I am, and not try and change a thing, and those are the kinds of people that I'm attracting into my world and into my space now and again. That's not just in romantic relationships, that's in coworkers, that's in friendships, that is in all the relationships in my life, even people that I'm collaborating with. You know they are seeing me for my true value and my true gifts and they're appreciating me for what I bring to the table and I get to appreciate them for what they bring to the table. There is no coercing or changing or manipulating someone to be something that they're not and that, for me, is the healthiest and most freeing expression of love, rather than trying to meet some person's standards or expect unreasonable standards or expectations right, or trying to coerce or manipulate someone to be who I want them to be when they just they're just not that person. You know, and I have been settling way below what any bar should be in most of my relationships. It leads up until this high relationship.


I ate as, like the stuff that I was settling for in relationship was crazy, and to this day I think about it and I think, oh, my god, how could I have settled for that? Like, ohhhh, it's cringe. It is cringe the stuff that I used to settle for, okay, and and I still feel cringy when I think back to how I settled. You know it's like I get that feeling how could I have done that? But honestly, for the sake of learning, I do it all over again, because it taught me a really powerful lesson in setting my standards a lot higher and not being afraid that if I set my standards higher, no one's going to come around to meet them, because that is bullshit. They will absolutely come around, but you have to make the choice first and you have to be willing to hold that choice right, and that is really the difficult part of that equation.


Okay, I am open to give and receive love. Now hear me out on this one. This is about trusting that it is just as loving to receive love as it is to give love, because most of us have been taught that it is not loving to receive love or anything else. It's loving to keep giving, giving love, giving time, giving support, giving energy, giving effort, giving whatever. We've never been taught that receiving is loving. We've been taught that receiving is selfish. Receiving time, energy, money, love, affection All of that receiving is selfish. We should constantly be giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, giving and in the process, we've depleted ourselves, we've burnt ourselves the fuck out. And we've taught the world hey, don't give me anything. I don't like it, it's not good. Just keep letting me give to everyone else. That's what makes me, that's what brings me joy, that's what makes me feel loved. Okay, universe goes. Sure, no problem, that's what you want. Here you go.


You want to be able to tell people that they're just going to keep taking from you. You need to learn that it is just as loving to receive as it is to give, and you also need to acknowledge that it's those relationships that are equally giving and receiving and have that beautiful energetic flow to and from, that are the ones that you want to be investing your time and energy in, because when you do that, the universe says oh, I see she wants that kind of relationship. Okay, so there's more of that, and you'll start to attract more of these relationships that have this forgiving and receiving flow to and from, and in that respect, you teach people how to love you as well. Right, because that's what you're holding out for. And all of these cases, when you hold out for these situations, you're teaching people that this is how you love me. Here are the instructions. You don't have to tell them, you don't have to demand it, you don't have to shout it off the rooftops, you don't have to scream into a megaphone. You do, you show, you teach people by living it. And by living it I mean constantly embodying these behaviors that we're talking about here today and I believe here we are. Last but not least, I am letting go of what no longer serves.


This was hard Letting go of the relationships that you know that are not for you, that you know are not healthy, that you know are not treating you the way that you should be treated. Being go and walking away is hard, especially when I'm not going to lie you may be left with not many relationships in your life, whether it be friendships or lovers or partners or whatever. I at one point felt like I had nobody left in my life. I had one friend, one friend that I could count on, to call on, to go out with and hang out with. I also had pretty much either vacated or I pulled away from, because I knew that those relationships weren't for me and it was, as it was, uncomfortable as fuck.


Because number one your worst fear when you're in the space is being alone with your thoughts, especially when they're negative. That's number one. Number two you're afraid no one's going to come along to replace them because you have no proof that anyone else is coming in. So you're letting go of this, of this person, that person, that person and this person, and there's nobody coming into your world and you're like what the hell am I going to be left alone for the rest of my life? And it is a practice in faith to say na-ah, I know I deserve better. I'm going to continue to show up in a better way, in a stronger way, in a more like for me. I'm going to continue to show up to life. I'm going to show up for life. I'm going to show up for myself and I'm going to do so in a healthy and balanced way and I'm going to trust that in that process, the right people, places and things are going to come flowing to me. I don't need to go out there to chase them.


Now, some relationships you know you don't have to necessarily end all of your relationships, right? I don't think I ended a single relationship. You know what I did do in that seven-year relationship hiatus, like, and again this goes back to friendships and everything I just let them fall away Like. So, for example, there was a lot of relationships where I was really putting in a lot of the work to make sure that, you know, we stayed in contact, we stayed connected, the relationship, you know, you could tell I was not forcing it but it was taking a lot of energy to kind of keep that relationship in my life and so I just dropped it, I said fuck it, no, and I knew where I needed to drop when I was starting to feel tired. Every time I invested in that person, place or thing like we're talking about people here so in that relationship. Well, I knew whenever I felt tired being in that relationship or being around that person or being in connection with them, I knew that as soon as I started to feel tired and this dreaded law like, oh, I have to go do this one again, I just let it go and most of those people just naturally fizzled away.


To be quite honest, I didn't have to have a single uncomfortable conversation. Well, I know that's not true. I did have to have some uncomfortable conversations. Of course I had to. I had to set some boundaries and there were some relationships that were really worth saving, but there were some behaviors that needed to change and that also had to be part of the part of the evolution is being able to express that and let it go, for no longer serves, and trusting that the people who would want to be with me would meet me where I needed them to be, and if they didn't, well then. That basically answered my question and that was the end of that, and it took a lot of courage, but these are the core, fundamental beliefs that actually transformed a lot of what I've been experiencing in my relationships and helped me to not only start to attract more loving and meaningful relationships into my life, but also repel the not so healthy ones and really make them not want to be around me.


Nothing will deter a toxic relationship more than radical love for yourself, nothing. It is the best repellent for toxic relationship radical self-love. Honest to God they do not want to be around you. They will smell that shit a mile away and they will go running, and you should be thankful when they do, because you just saved yourself a whole can of whoop ass that you don't need in your life. I don't know if whoop ass was the right term to use there, but you know what I mean A whole can of mess, a whole can of hot fucking mess that you did not want to invite into your life. You just saved yourself from thank you and or war. We don't need you, okay.


Okay, so these are the five fundamental beliefs that it took me, I kid you, not seven years to learn how to embody, and it could literally take that long. But it doesn't have to. It doesn't even have to take seven months, and that's why I'm hosting a free masterclass in the coming weeks. So check out the details below this podcast or on my socials or on at the femcastcom the details will kind of be everywhere for the douchebag detox masterclass. I am so excited for this. I honestly cannot wait. This is honestly.


I'm going to be teaching you some of my best tools and techniques so that you can start to embody these beliefs today, so you can start to transform your relationships today, so that you can start attracting better, higher quality partners today. Okay, it doesn't have to take seven years. You can literally start to see a shift immediately once you really start to embody these beliefs, and I'm going to give you the practicals tools to start to do that right away. These are basically the beliefs and the tools that got me from you know, to stop attracting all the wrong partners, literally started to repel all the wrong partners and started to attract all the right ones. This is what got me from drunk texts to love notes in my DM, from refreshing my page constantly to see if he commented or liked anything on my socials or DMed me, and instead giving all that love and energy to myself instead just literally transformed my relationships and how I show up in my life in general. So I'm really excited to share this with you guys Again.


All the details are going to be either below wherever you're seeing this podcast. You can also find them on my socials, at the Femcast, or on my website at thefemcastcom. That about wraps up this episode. If you have any questions, challenges, things that you're just dying to know, hit me up at mariaatthefemcoachcom. Who knows, you just might inspire the next episode of the Femcast. And if you love this episode and if you're loving this series and if it's really speaking to you, please, please, please, leave a comment and a review wherever you're seeing this, on Spotify or iTunes or wherever else and help get this podcast out into the world. That is all for now, you guys. Until next time. Massive love.

The Seven Year Relationship Hiatus
Searching for Love and Self-Reflection
Discovering and Healing Relationships
Mindset Shifts for Healthy Relationships
Transforming Relationships Through Self-Love