The Femme Cast


October 24, 2023 Maria @TheFemmeCast
The Femme Cast
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The Femme Cast
Oct 24, 2023
Maria @TheFemmeCast

Get ready for a mind-blowing journey to abundance and radical self-love in this electrifying episode of The Femme Cast.

Are you ready to transform your money mindset and start embodying wealth like never before? Well, hold onto your hats because we've got a powerhouse of a guest, Taylor Eaton, joining us today to drop some truth bombs and ignite your self-trust!

In this episode, we're diving deep into the magical world of Human Design and how it can supercharge your path to prosperity. Taylor, an expert in all things Human Design, wealth mindset and embodiment, is here to break down how aligning with your unique design can open doors to abundance you never knew existed.

Get ready to laugh, learn, and leap into the world of abundance with us in this electrifying episode! Whether you're a Human Design enthusiast, someone looking to level up their money game, or just eager to embrace more self-love in your life, this episode has something for everyone.

Get ready to transform your relationship with money (and everything else) with "Embodying Wealth | Transforming Money Mindset With Wealth Embodiment And Human Design, And The Power Of Self-Trust With Taylor Eaton (A Journey To Abundance And Radical Self Acceptance)."

And it’s all happening right here on TheFemmeCast.

Let’s do this!

Connect with Taylor Eaton on IG:
Check out her website:
Check out her Wealthy Woman Oracle deck:

Is there anything struggling with, curious about or just dying to know? Send me a text.

Are you ready to create a massive uplevel in your life and relationships? If so, use the link below to book your 90-minute Uplevel + Flow Intensive. This is a powerful 90-minute session where we go deep to energetically shift one relationship pattern you are ready to break free from, so you can magnetize more loving and supportive relationships without the chase...just flow!

Are you ready to begin your heart healing journey today and manifest the love that you desire?
If so, use the link below to register for my Uplevel + Flow Meditation Series . A 3 part series designed to help you heal from heartbreak and manifest love you've always wanted, but never thought you would find.

Are you ready to rewrite your love story + glow from the inside out as you become a magnet for the love you've always known you deserved?
If so, use the link below to register for my 21 Day Radical Self-Love Challenge.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Get ready for a mind-blowing journey to abundance and radical self-love in this electrifying episode of The Femme Cast.

Are you ready to transform your money mindset and start embodying wealth like never before? Well, hold onto your hats because we've got a powerhouse of a guest, Taylor Eaton, joining us today to drop some truth bombs and ignite your self-trust!

In this episode, we're diving deep into the magical world of Human Design and how it can supercharge your path to prosperity. Taylor, an expert in all things Human Design, wealth mindset and embodiment, is here to break down how aligning with your unique design can open doors to abundance you never knew existed.

Get ready to laugh, learn, and leap into the world of abundance with us in this electrifying episode! Whether you're a Human Design enthusiast, someone looking to level up their money game, or just eager to embrace more self-love in your life, this episode has something for everyone.

Get ready to transform your relationship with money (and everything else) with "Embodying Wealth | Transforming Money Mindset With Wealth Embodiment And Human Design, And The Power Of Self-Trust With Taylor Eaton (A Journey To Abundance And Radical Self Acceptance)."

And it’s all happening right here on TheFemmeCast.

Let’s do this!

Connect with Taylor Eaton on IG:
Check out her website:
Check out her Wealthy Woman Oracle deck:

Is there anything struggling with, curious about or just dying to know? Send me a text.

Are you ready to create a massive uplevel in your life and relationships? If so, use the link below to book your 90-minute Uplevel + Flow Intensive. This is a powerful 90-minute session where we go deep to energetically shift one relationship pattern you are ready to break free from, so you can magnetize more loving and supportive relationships without the chase...just flow!

Are you ready to begin your heart healing journey today and manifest the love that you desire?
If so, use the link below to register for my Uplevel + Flow Meditation Series . A 3 part series designed to help you heal from heartbreak and manifest love you've always wanted, but never thought you would find.

Are you ready to rewrite your love story + glow from the inside out as you become a magnet for the love you've always known you deserved?
If so, use the link below to register for my 21 Day Radical Self-Love Challenge.


Hey you guys, what is up and welcome back to the show. I'm so excited and grateful to have you here today and I am so excited and grateful for our guests. She is none other than my friend and mentor, taylor Eaton. Taylor is a money mindset and wealth embodiment guide, a human design expert, an Oracle Deck author and a business mentor, and she's worked with thousands of people to help them transform their financial reality and manifest the wealth that they desire by focusing on different modalities that bring together money and spirituality. This woman is just exceptional and I am so grateful to have her in my life and I am so grateful that I get to share her with you guys today.


So here is my conversation with Taylor, right here on the Femcast. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. Okay, I'm gonna start. I don't usually start the conversation like this and it's not a promotion, but I'm gonna start by saying that you I work for so many coaches, taylor, like I'm so excited to have you on this show.


I've worked with so many coaches and leaders and experts and through master classes and through one-on-one, and I've honestly like unfollowed everyone, and there's only two people in this world that I will work with going forward and you are one of them. Like you're just everything you put out is magic. I've told you that a thousand times. Like you know, I think that and there's just so much integrity in your content and the stuff that you put out. Like, if you put, if you put, if you say the course or a program or an offer is going to do something or help you do something, you deliver, you know you deliver and you deliver above and beyond. And there's like a small percentage there's so many coaches out there there's a small percentage that actually do what they say they're gonna do. When you're one of those people and hats off to you, I love you. Well, thank you so much. I got you blushing.


I'll receive it. I'll receive it. It's so good, no, that's so wonderful and that's such a high compliment and it's so lovely to hear and I'm so excited to be here and to get to chat with you today.


Oh my God, there's so many things that we can chat about. I mean, you're an expert in so many different things and, just to give everybody an idea, you do money mindset, you do human design, embodiment work, welcome bodyments specifically, what am I missing? Like I know there's. You've got the Oracle Card deck. That's amazing. Mine's coming in a few days. I'm so excited. Oh my gosh.


Yes, I can't wait. I can't wait for you to get your time. Yeah, I have an Oracle deck that I have authored. I have, I'm starting to teach more on magic. You know spells, temptations, you know witchery around, specifically for money and abundance. And then I have some upcoming book deals and future Oracle deck deals that are in the works with my publisher and we're looking at global distribution. So it's, there's a lot, I do a lot of things, and it's funny because I think about three years ago I was like I just do human design and money mindset, that's about it. I do business coaching, that's, and it just feels like in the last two or so years three years maybe it's just kind of a I've exploded in all these different directions in the best way. But it's kind of hard to put it into a nutshell of what I do now.


So it's funny because it's kind of like the gift that you've given me which I will share about, but it's like you had yourself in, like the box right.


Of, like this is what I do, this is what I offer, and now it's like you've, like, allows yourself to explore all these other avenues that most people don't, and bringing it all together in a harmonious way that you wouldn't think they all work, but they do and it's just, it's so magical, I love it.


So like, yeah, I applaud you for that Cause, honestly, like you've literally done the same thing for me, Like I think my introduction you know, for me, radical self-love is something that has been so important to me and it's such an important thing for me in my life. And I think that leaping into human design and, you know, working with you and learning from you and trying to understand what my design actually meant and who I was literally created to be, was that permission slip that I really needed to just be myself. It was like I always knew that's who I was, but society tells you you need to be different. You know you need to do things this way. You need to move to life like this, you need to have these things. You know you need to want to have to be here and it overrides everything that's going on underneath. Can you talk to me a little bit about that Cause I know that's something that you're very passionate about.


Yeah, and actually I love that that you started with this, because that's you know when we think about, when I think about just the work I do and how we were just talking.


I do all these different things and really the common factor for me on the circus level is like the intersection of, like money and spirituality or personal development. Right, like that's kind of the overarching theme of all the different modalities I use. But when you said it like that, I was like, yeah, you know what a lot of what I really do is. It's not and I've known this it's not always about the money. It's about giving yourself permission to be that fullest expression of you and to be the version of you you actually want to be in this lifetime and create the life you want to create, and for most people that includes some amount of wealth or abundance or money in it, and I think for me that's always the most interesting part, because that's where a lot of our conditioning pops up the most is around money, and it's so interesting how something that is a tool right, like money.


As a tool, it allows us to buy things or pay for things, or, you know, it's just our currency that we trade things for right, and so it's interesting that something that is so separate from us, like it's not a part of who you are at all, it has become this thing in our society that we become so conditioned through right, like there's so many things and it happens in the most subtle ways and in the most unconscious ways, and there's a lot of weird, different types of conditioning around money.


But it's so interesting how this happens, not just with money, but it's what I look at a lot, because I think it's such a powerful reflection of how often we are kind of stripped of our power. You know whether it's because we've given it up, you know because we've said I'm who am I to do this thing, or who am I to have this amount of money that I want, or who am I to have this relationship I want, or whatever it is, yeah, or because we've been told you can't have things a certain way by society in one form or another. And so, whether it happens because you just decided to let this out, self-doubt and stories come in, or because society just beat you down enough, either way it's just. Whether it's that inner or outer conditioning or just so, there's so many ways that we give our power away, we forget who we are and we try to fit ourselves in boxes.


Like you said, I was shooting myself in that box of like it felt good to just be doing human design and money, mindset work and some business coaching. Like that felt good for a couple of years. Yeah, as my business is growing, I was mastering how to run programs effectively and how I was when I was mastering that part of my life and of my skill set. But once I've all passed it, I was like I feel boxed in by this and I no longer want to be here. It took me a while to break out because I had that conditioning even for other parts of society you have to stay with one thing you have to be in your niche. If you want to make money, you have to blah, blah, blah. Your audience isn't going to want to hear all these other different things. Yeah, it wasn't that I want to stop doing human design, I just wanted to do other things too.


Right, and it's like and it's the same thing with money, where we have these weird rules we put on ourselves and we do it. And it's not just everything I say with money. You can apply it to any area of your life, but it's like we have these weird things with anything we want in life if we haven't really had it before or had it in a certain way before, yeah, we make all these weird arbitrary rules about it that we believe so fully are true, and they're often not always true 100 percent of the time.


Oh my God, 1000 percent. And I think the one thing that you said about sometimes being yourself it's not always about the wealth, but I do think there's something to be said, and this is what I've from my experience of working with you and working on human design and embodiment is that when we allow all those parts of ourselves, even though money isn't the carrot at the end of the road, it almost flows more naturally to you because you are on or like, even though it's not the same, it becomes like a I don't know bonus. It's a natural product, it's a byproduct of it.


It's I do feel like, because our outer worlds are the reflection of our inner worlds. And when you feel like you're being fully you and, like you said earlier, who you came here to be, who you were born to be, and you come home to that truest version of yourself whether it's through human design or other modalities there's a million ways to get there but when you come back to that truest expression of yourself, you feel abundant because you feel like you're being the fullest version of you. You feel your life is so full because you're being all of you. Even if things aren't going perfectly, even if you don't have all the money, you feel so rich in that sense of I'm being all of me. And when you feel that way, from that inside place you know that air place oftentimes then the outer abundance starts to show up because you feel so inwardly abundant right.


And it's that's. I think that's kind of what you're getting at here.


It's like it's that byproduct. It's literally exactly like how I'm feeling today. Right Is this inward, because I'm fully allowing myself to just sort of be myself, and it is a beautiful when we do that. That is literally the magic. Like that is where the magic happens, and it's when we're in this energetic exchange, whether it's with people, with money, with with career, you know, anytime when this energetic exchange with things outside of ourselves, you know, it's like the minute we think we need to be something else in order to be in that exchange, there's a breakdown.


Oh, yeah, right and it creates an imbalance, right, and when we just, like you said, like you said it so beautifully, I have to mark the time so I can go back and quote you on it on social. But it's like when you just come home to yourself and allow yourself to be yourself and feel abundant from the inside, everything else on the outside starts to reflect that back to you and it's just such a magical experience.


Yeah, no, it really sums it up perfectly. And I think I think where most people get tripped up is whenever we have one specific thing we want we we can't see how being ourselves could lead us to that thing. Like, we don't see the correlation. No, you just being who you want to be and feeling the way you want to feel in this life and being that truest version of you and doing what makes you happy or what brings you joy, or what feels good to you or what feels aligned to you. A lot of people just don't see that connection between how that could lead to the money you want, or even the relationship you want, or the job you want, or even the health you want. Right, like, there's always so many factors in any given area of life. But I think so often we're afraid that if we're going to be all of ourselves, we might not get what we want. And then that's, in a way, a rejection of who we are. Right, like, oh, who I am, who isn't good enough, right, like, oh, I was being all of me and I didn't make all the money I wanted. Or I was being all me and I didn't get the relationship I wanted.


And that's again where there's a deeper level people get to go to. And this is something I don't get to talk about a lot because a lot of the work I do is just kind of that surface level addressing like the initial conditioning. But really when you get down beneath, everything is when you are fully being all of yourself. You're not looking at the external things to validate if you're good enough, right. So it's just like it's these different layers we move through and it's like I've been through them, I've had clients through them where we at first were like I'm not being me.


Okay, I need to start being all me and then I'm going to hope and trust that'll get me where I want to go. And then you start being you and you don't get where you want to go immediately and you go oh, I must not be good enough. And then that's usually where people who try to do that kind of inner work whether it's through human design or mindset work or any other that's when they just go back to the old way of being so like, well, that didn't work and that hurts too much to be all of me and to not get what I want and feels like I'm not good enough. It feels like a rejection of my soul or myself by other people or by the world. So I'm just not going to just go back, it's easier to painful it is painful.


Because it is a core you know usually pointing to. It's almost like you already believe that you're not good enough and that's just validating it and it hits you on such, a, such a soul level. I'm curious because I know you've got some grandmas. I've definitely fought my own grandmas in the past. You know what was your, what was your modality or methods to kind of work through some of those stories in your mind that was telling you that you weren't good enough, that you messed it up, that you know, give up, go back to what you were doing before, you know, whatever it was for you.


how did you, how did you move through that and come out the other side?


There were so many different things I did For me. One of them was I, for human design was kind of the big turning point for me when I started really embracing my human design and giving myself permission to trust myself like trust, my intuition, trust, my inner guidance over the traditional things that were taught in business particularly around money and just in life and how you're supposed to be in the world and the way you're supposed to make logical, responsible decisions and I started saying, screw, that I'm going to do what I want to do, making logical, responsible decisions and playing the game that I was told to play my whole life of working hard and getting good grade and getting a good job and hustling and I'm broke, you know. And I was like I'm I'm so over this. And when I found human design, I wasn't even looking for anything. I wasn't looking for that. I was doing mindset work, which was a great foundational place.


But then the human design, it just like you said it, it was that permission slip, it was just something outside of myself that I could look at and it was that validation of like, look you're. You're not meant to do things this way. That don't feel good to you. You're meant to do the things that feel good to you in this way and it so. It helped me create that self trust and I thought that was safe to trust the way I wanted to do things and what I wanted to do, rather than the, the general conditioned advice. And it also helped me value myself because in our game design it just reflects back aspects of yourself, right, and you kind of see what you want to see or what you're ready to see, because it's just a tool at the end of the day, but it's it is.


It's like I looked at. It's like when I look at my chart, I'm not going to change the strategy and there's something going good in their life. Just a hand, that thing usually gets better and that's something I've seen as a pattern in my life. I could never explain it and just see something like that reflected in my chart is like what a thing that you're never taught to value, that you help kind of the good things of people life and get better. And when I started looking at that not only change the strategies and my business of who I worked with and what kind of work I did, but it also just a little things like that you know like oh, I have a gift for crazy ology and for saying things in a way that resonate with people in a different way. That's one of my huge gifts and my human is my chart. Looking at that stuff, I'm like I can vouch for that.


But it's like you know, I don't know how to do that.


But I can never see it right like that's. The thing is that with human design is like I I think it's such a beautiful tool because we live our whole lives inside of our own heads right, and we'll never be anyone else in this lifetime. So it's very easy to take the things that come easily to you for granted, and so that was, I think, one, those were the two big gifts humans I really gave me. That helped me so much to start to overcome that feeling of not good enough, because I would look at things in my chart and I'd be like I am going to look at these things I can do that don't come easily to everyone else and this combination of things I can do is so unique to me and so amazing. And the more I sat with that over time over the years, like, the more I truly understood my power and my value and what I brought to the table and how much of it was so intrinsic and can never be measured or taken away. And then the other part, like I said, was trusting myself and with that combination of like valuing myself and trusting myself, it was kind of like I was unstoppable and all those mindset things started to kind of fall away. I also did a lot of inner child feeling with a coach is working with that. There was a lot of that old conditioning around what needed to be healed.


I have used a lot of different modalities, but those, those were the big things that I always teach and that's why I love you as I teach this to trust ourselves and value ourselves and that's the way that you do that way and from that place. I think the combination of trusting yourself and valuing yourself creates this ability to. As I always said, it's like that, that's from embodiment that I love to use now, but it's like it when you trust yourself and fully value yourself, you can then easily become the person you want to be now. Right that you think you had to wait on for so long. You have to wait to have something. Oh, if I want to be this version, we can so happy and so carefree and so joyful. I have to be able to leave my nine to five. I have to not work all day. I have to have $500,000 in the bank.


I have to have my house paid off and we put all these conditions on it, or I have to have a perfect relationship, and we put all these weird external things on that because we think that's how our life will look.


When we have, when we feel this way, we think it's because people have all these things that will make us feel this way, right, and instead it's like no, those things show up when you feel that way Because otherwise you will block them or you will think you're not worthy of them or you'll you know, you won't even see them when they're trying to come into your life, and so it's kind of like what comes first, the chicken or the egg, right? It's like it. All these things aren't going to magically show up, and then you'll be happy. It's often that you'll be happy, you'll feel good, you'll feel like that next over to you, and then all the things show up because you're acting differently, you're being differently, you're looking at the world differently, and so I found that, when you trust yourself and value yourself which for me that I found that through human design.


Yeah then you can from that place. It's like a no bringer to embody the version of you. It doesn't even feel like embodying it. In a way, it's like I just become that version. I'm just like why can't I just be that version of me now, right, why can't I?


be the version of you. Why do you have to wait for the external thing?


Right, and then when I do that, then all that stuff shows up, and so for me that was kind of like the trajectory and there's been a lot of other ways that I've found to reach that embodiment and so that's now what I do. I found embodiment over the last several years through my own personal magical practices, with rituals and symbols and spells and things like that, and all of that allows me to consciously tap into again being the version of me I want to be, and it's the same thing with mindset work and it's the same thing with anything I create, creating things and coaching. So it's kind of, for me, all paths lead back to just like you heal the things that need to be healed, you have to yourself, you love yourself, you value yourself, and then from there it's almost impossible not to evolve and become a version that feels more authentic.


It's who you want to be. I love it. Ok, there's two things that I want to ask you. One is what are your thoughts on? We see this happen all the time people doing the mindset work, trying to do the embodiment without trying to do the healing beneath all of that. What's your take on that?


So it's interesting because there have definitely been things that I had to heal in order to even be able to fully do the mindset work or the embodiment work, because I would try and I couldn't let myself get there or stay there in that headspace of I'm being that version of me, because there was something so deep that needed to be healed.


But then I've also had things that I've been aware of that need to be healed, but I just didn't feel like it was time where I didn't know exactly what or there was not clarity, and yet I could still embody a different version of me and be that version of me, and I think some of that just gets easier. It's not bypassing, it's just kind of knowing there's a season for things and that you don't have to be fully healed to have what you want. Because even when you have everything you want whether it's the dream relationship for the money or the career or whatever there are going to be times when you still have things to heal, like new things will come up. You'll have new wounds or old wounds that resurface. So I don't think that you have to heal everything in order to have what you desire.


But if there are really deep things in there that are getting in the way and blocking you, then those things have to kind of be on earth and at least look that and brought to light. Even if you can't fully heal them. Just having that conscious awareness of the stories and the wounds can be enough to be able to heal. I don't think our healing's ever really done Really.


I mean, I think we just keep moving through different cycles and different layers as long as we're here. Do you know? How do you know? How do you tell for you when it's time that you want that you know you need to address something? Versus, ok, stop the season for this. Right now we can just consent, like, how do you know what needs to be addressed in one? Is there a way?


Usually, I don't necessarily have a system. What I've found sometimes would be the pattern, for me at least, is I will be doing something or trying to reach some sort of goal or something I desire, or even just trying to be the version of me who has the thing I desire.


And it just, no matter what I do, nothing's sticking, nothing's working, and often, if I ignore that for too long, then even the things that were working up until that point stop working as well, and it's kind of almost like the universe being like you need to look at something and that's the point where I then need to sit down and figure out what's going on. What's this is? You know, as we're, journaling happens and introspection happens and, yeah, it comes up in different ways, but that's kind of tends to be the way I know, and I think that's a good sign in general, if you're doing something, you feel like you're doing all the right things or all the things you're supposed to do, all the things, especially even the things that you really wanted to do and you were so sure would work and felt so good to you, and yet they're not working, then it's often an indicator that there's something else to look at. I do think that there is a level of sometimes we get pushed in the right direction, so sometimes things don't work the way we want them to. They can actually work out better for us so that we can learn something.


So sometimes it's not always that you need to heal something. Sometimes you just got to let go and who redirects that? No matter what, you'll be fine and you get to learn the lessons you get to learn. But it's typically, I think, if you're doing the same thing over and over and feel like you're hitting a brick wall and none of the techniques or modalities out there are working to help you manifest what you want, worth looking in where to be like. Is there anything I need to heal here? Usually, usually there is.


I'm laughing hysterically because I know this moment very well. It's been there many times. I call this universe putting baby in the corner, literally. That's what it feels like. Ok, your embodiment work. I am in your well-filed membership. I am loving it. It feels so good and it's just so juicy and so much fun and it really is always tapping into that high vibrational energy and that potentiality each and every day and it just makes the process so beautiful. You had quite the experience moving from human design. You already touched on embodiment. I know that you spent a lot of time I mean it was nine months, I think working on putting this membership together.


Tell me about that journey and how embodiment became that next step for you and what it really means for you and how it's opened things up for you.


Yeah. So, like I said, I felt like it was interesting because you even nailed it without realizing it at the beginning of this call that you said I kind of put myself in a box of human design. Those are almost the exact words that I used to one of my team members when I was talking to her about wanting to change the direction of my business at the beginning of this year and not close down the human design side of my business, because I still love that and love being in that space at times. But I just found that there was this bigger conversation I wanted to have about embodiment, about being the version of you you want to be now, regardless of the circumstances. And I wanted to have that conversation. But I found that within the human design world, doing that meant I needed to tell every single energy type how to embody their next level self or embodying versions of them. I had to apply it to every single part of the chart. And this is a bigger conversation, it's a more universal conversation and I think human design is a beautiful tool that helps us get to the point where we can trust ourselves, value ourselves enough so that we can then step into embodiment If we want to go that route through human design. There's, like I said, other ways you can get to that point, but I just felt like this is something that helped me so much and worked so well for me and it popped up. It was something that I didn't think could be taught within the human design sphere the way I wanted to teach it, and so that was kind of that journey and it was.


I still am on the back end of things, figuring out how all of these different things I do weave together, because I do, At the end of the day, everything is really like I said, that intersection of money and spirituality, and really what I do is help people transform their relationship with money by transforming their relationships with themselves and what they focus on, their priorities in their life.


And so for me this has been an interesting journey where I've had to embody what I wanted to help other people embody and walk the walk and talk the talk and kind of see how it's all interconnected. But that was kind of the big thing and I really spent, like I said, it was nine months that it took me to get this membership up and running and in the past when I've had an idea for membership. I've watched members of system two weeks of having an idea for them, but for this I knew this was something very special and I took my time with not only getting more and more clarity on what I wanted this space to be, about which it's really just about.


It's a place where you get to come to feel wealthy before the money you desire shows up, or to practice being that version of you who has all the wealth you desire before it showed up, so that you can actually stay in that energy and become an energetic match for it, act differently, rewire your brain and then create that result in your life. And so I had to get really clear on how do we do that in a space, how do we make it that actually is like this alternate dimension for people to step into and be this elevated version of themselves, and how do we facilitate that? How do we have people engage in there? It's just such a esoteric concept, a really vague, nebulous concept. I was like how do we put that into a space that will actually facilitate that? And that was what took me some time to really figure out and bring intention to.


I also studied just psychology of groups. For several months I studied, I did some studying of what makes a gathering really powerful. A book that was a great resource was the Art of Gathering, I think by Priya Parker, and that I reread several times and took so many notes and connected the docs of she does the art of creating these really powerful, intentional, effective, one-off meetings and group you know, in groups and things like that. And I was like how do I apply this to an online membership that's ongoing, right, and spent so much time really bringing that attention to it. So it's interesting because I think again, this is a different evolution of what I've done in the past, where when I've had an idea and I have that intuition, I run with it and that's worked out well for me.


But I also feel like this is now a season of my life in business where I'm like I'm done jumping from one creation to another and to another and I still want to create all the time.


Yeah, but I wanted one place to bring it all together where I could really commit myself to growing one thing, and so that it just launched a little over a month ago. So it's still new, but it's blown me away with the response to it and the energy in there and I'm so excited to keep growing it. It's something where I get to create and put new creative expressions in there and still create new things and talk about everything, but it's all it's like if you want to talk about money and magic, or money in human design, or money and body and or money and you know, oracle, cars or whatever it's like that's. We do all that in there, and that's what I love is it's a place where I not only get to be all of me and create everything I want to create and put everything I want in there in all these different ways.


But I also get to give this space, this group of people, another space where they get to do the same, like where it's like you're all coming in there and being that elevated expression of you and that version of you who has all your desires, and being in that energy with other people is also just so healing in a way, where you have people who are, who get it and who are also, like, minded around money and spirituality and even if not everyone in there does magic, there's other people who do human design and there's other people who do you know, mindset and it's. I think it's really beautiful, but it took a lot of getting. Clarity was really what I was doing of how do we package this together in a meaningful way.


It worked, everything that you put in that group. Like you can see, you can feel the energy, you can feel the love, like every intention that you had for that phase. It's beautiful, like it's everything that you wanted and, from the receiving end, like we're feeling it, you know, like it's such a joy to go in there every day.


And I'm posting sometimes at like four o'clock in the morning, but yeah, no, it's been amazing. So, you know, going from there and we're literally running out of time now. So, you know, I'm so excited for what you come up with next and I know it'll be beautiful and I know that there, you know, there is this intersection where you can bring all these parts of yourself into one beautiful, cohesive brand and I'm so excited to see how that unfolds. And I think if you had to pick one overarching message or piece of advice or wisdom that you'd want to, that you would want this brand to express in the world, or your personal message, your heartfelt message to the world. What would it be?


There's so many different messages, and so there's so many facets of what I do, but I think the one that has been at the forefront of my mind for the last year or so has just been that money isn't the path to happiness. Happiness is the path to money and all the wealth that you deserve. That's really what it comes down to, and if the word happiness isn't resonate with you, you could swap that out for centeredness, peacefulness, fulfillment whatever your security, Anything you want.


That's more of one of those like poor feelings, like truly what you want beneath it all, money isn't going to unlock that for you. It's big that you unlock the money or the wealth or the thing you want, the relationship you want, the family, whatever. You unlock that through embodying embodying the feeling embodying what you want.


It doesn't mean you have to embody the emotion. You don't have to force yourself to feel it. You don't want to feel or you don't truly feel. It's you. You become the version of you who is willing to look at life right now through the eyes of someone who believes they can have it all and who knows it's coming and who, no matter what, gets to be happy or secure or fulfilled, regardless of the external circumstances.


Because, at the end of the day, we can't control almost anything in this world. All we can really control is our inner state and our way we perceive things, what we pay attention to, the way we respond to things and actions we take in response to the way we perceive things. So that's really all we have in our control and that's all we got to work with. As much as we like to think we can force outcomes and control things, we can't. And so when you focus on the inner game, which is what you do have control over, other things are more likely to fall into place or they'll come into your life in ways you didn't expect or in different forms. But you have to lead first. You're the leader of your life. So, yeah, it's what you. Money isn't the path to what you want. What you want is the path to the money I love it.


I love it so much, thank you. Thank you so much. If people want to get a hold of you, follow you, work with you, find out more about you, where do you want to send them? Where do you want to tell them to go?


So you can find me where I am the most active right now is on the YouTube channel, so you can find me at Taylor dash. That's my handle on YouTube. You can also find me on Instagram at Taylor in coaching, and if you just head to my website, taylor meancom, that'll that has leased to the human design website has links to the, to the wealth vibe. It has links to all the different things.


So oh my God, I'm so excited. I cannot wait to see what you create next. Honestly, it's been such a pleasure to have you. I'm so grateful and so grateful to have you in my world. I'm so grateful I came across you. I can't remember how, but I did and it was a miracle and I'm so glad.


It's been such a joy to get to work with you. You're always, whenever I see your name pop up in one of my programs or anything, I'm like I'm so fun. So it's the feeling of each full. So, yeah, thank you so much for having me here. This is so fun.


Thank you. Thank you, guys. If you have any questions or you know anything that you want to know you know struggling with hit me up at Maria at the fem coachcom. I will leave all of Taylor's links below this episode. Thank you so much for joining us. Until next time. I love you guys.

Discussing Taylor Eaton's Multiple Expertise
Permission to Be Yourself and Succeed
The Power of Self-Trust and Self-Value
Embodiment and Transforming Relationships With Money